UNESCO TVET Evaluation 2021

The evaluation covered UNESCO’s work in the implementation of the TVET Strategy by the dedicated Headquarters TVET section (YLS), the UNESCO-UNEVOC, and by field offices. The focus was on activities carried out and results achieved during the period of the TVET Strategy and, to the extent possible, the expected activities and achievements by the end of 2021. Based most notably on the final evaluation, UNESCO (Youth, Literacy and Skills Development, or YLS) will lead the development of a new TVET Strategy up until early 2022. The new Strategy will seek to further strengthen governance, financing, teachers and teaching, skills anticipation, digital skills development, greening education systems and societies and employer engagement in education.

Evaluations Global 2021 2022 UNESCO

Project code: B181

Download project document(s)

Final Evaluation of UNESCO TVET Strategy 2016 - 2021

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