Evaluation of ESF contribution to Youth Employment (2014-2020)
Ockham IPS in collaboration with FGB, Applica, and Metis supported the European Commission (DG EMPL) in their evaluation of the support available for youth employment measures through the Youth Guarantee, the Youth Employment Initiative and the European Social Fund youth oriented operations. The study had two main purposes. First of all, it assessed the results of youth employment-related ESF support for the period 2014-2018, in particular the actions taken by Member States under the YEI. Secondly, it supported the preparation of the next programming period, by providing lessons learnt, in particular regarding cost-effectiveness, outreach and target groups in need, and supporting the negotiation of the OPs for the ESF+. The study focused on evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and EU added value of the youth employment focussed operations, as well as assessing the complementarity of measures to other EU policy and funding programmes targeting youth during the current programming period.
European Commission
Project code: B122