Evaluation ESF support to Employment and Mobility (2014-2020)
Ockham IPS in collaboration with FGB, Applica, and Metis supported the European Commission (DG EMPL) in their evaluation of ESF support to Employment and Mobility. The study provides a comprehensive overview and assessment of the activities of the ESF in the field of employment and mobility (excluding youth-oriented actions) and as further detailed by the six relevant Investment Priorities of Thematic Objective 8. The study provided data, evidence and analysis to feed the preparation of the Staff Working Document. The study also provides input for the ex post evaluation of the ESF. The evaluation includes an analysis of the quantitative and qualitative information provided in the Annual Implementation Reports submitted by Managing Authorities, and an analysis of evaluations. Preliminary findings were triangulated with the results of a broad consultation strategy in line with the requirements of the Better Regulation Guidelines. In addition, a comparative analysis of the evolution of job markets across the EU28 MS was implemented. Finally, country level case studies were implemented, providing a more detailed picture of ESF implementation and performance based on a more in depth analysis of a restricted number of OPs.
European Commission
Project code: B124