Evaluation of the Dutch ESF scheme for Sustainable Employability for Regions and Sectors
Ockham IPS implemented, in cooperation with SEOR (university of Rotterdam) the evaluation of the Dutch ESF scheme for Sustainable Employability for Regions and Sectors, for the Dutch ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. The ESF scheme for Sustainable Employability for Regions and Sectors aims to promote the motivation, health and productivity of workers up to retirement age by subsidizing projects. This scheme is evaluated in three stages in which the reach, content, implementation, and the effects of the ESF projects are assessed. The first phase of the evaluation included a process evaluation, in which an assessment was made of the application and assessment procedure, a description was provided on the characteristics of the projects, and a context analysis was made. In the second phase, an interim evaluation was conducted with specific attention for project implementation, the bottlenecks encountered, and the results achieved so far. This interim evaluation was carried out when projects were completed and was organised mainly at the level of individual projects. The third phase consisted of an effect evaluation with the aim of gaining insight in the longer-term effects of the projects at company level, through interviews with a selection of participating companies.
Project code: B076