Study supporting the impact assessment of human capital investments (ESF+)
Ockham IPS, in collaboration with Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, Metis and COWI, was responsible for the study supporting the impact assessment of the ESF+ regulation for the programming period 2020-2027. DG Employment was in 2014-2020 responsible for five funding instruments that target Human Capital: the European Social Fund (ESF) with the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI), the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF), the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD), the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) and elements of ERASMUS+ (VET, adult education and skills development). These funds total around 13 billion € annually. As the programme period 2014-2020 was ending, the time had come to think about the future of the funds under DG EMPL remit in the post 2020 programming period and necessary preparation for the Impact Assessment. Ockham IPS and partners supported the Commission in their preparation of the impact assessment of the Funds falling under their remit in the post-2020 programming period, and in particular the European added value of EU expenditure in human capital, the establishment of a strong intervention logic narrative for future investments, and the assessment of the impacts of possible scenarios. The Commission was also supported in the associated consultation work.
European Commission
Project code: B098