Sector analysis of the labour market of the branch of community pharmacies

Ockham IPS and Panteia implemented a sector analysis for the branch of community pharmacies (Employers' Association of Independent Public Pharmacists (WZOA), Association of Chain Pharmacies (ASKA), FNV Zorg & Welzijn and CNV Zorg & Welzijn). The sector analysis provides a picture of the current and future labour market and the state of affairs in the field of sustainable employability and early retirement. Based on this, the sector aims to submit a plan of activities for the subsidy scheme Duurzame Inzetbaarheid en Eerder Uittreden (MDIEU) of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW). Various research methods were used to compile the sector analysis, namely desk research, secondary analysis of existing sources, an employer survey and in-depth group sessions.

Studies National 2021

Project code: B179

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