Evaluation UNEVOC Medium-Term Strategy-III (2021-2023)

Against the background as presented in the Terms of Reference (ToR), and in line with the global UNESCO TVET strategy (2016-2021), this review aimed to take stock of the outcomes of implementation of the MTS-III from January 2021 until April 2023, and map the achievements so far and draw on external insights into what worked and did not work. As stated in the ToR, “UNESCO-UNEVOC will use the evaluation and its results as a starting point for proposing a new theory of change, which can inform and inspire its next strategic planning cycle. The aim is to open discussion on possible action and potential partnerships that UNESCO-UNEVOC should pursue from 2024 to 2026. This process will be informed by lessons learned from the MTSIII, in the course of planning for future TVET programmes and services to UNESCO Member States and institutions served by UNESCO-UNEVOC that will be described in the MTS-IV (2024- 2026)”

Evaluations Global 2023 UNESCO

Project code: B230

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