Evaluation of Knowledge Management Innovation in ETF Operations

Ockham IPS, in cooperation with ICON Institut and ZeroSpace Advies, implemented the interm evaluation of Knowledge Management Innovation in ETF Operations (assinged by the European Training Foundation). The objective of this evaluation was the assessment of the extent to which the overall and specific objectives of the Knowledge Management 2010-2013 policy have been achieved and to make recommendations for the further development of the 2014–2017 KMI policy. This evaluation addressed whether the KM strategy is well designed and implemented. The evaluation also assessed the impact of the KM strategy on the cultural, organisational, methodological and procedural practices within ETF and the value KM creates for staff as well as stakeholders in partner countries. Success and fail factors were identified, providing input for an updated KM strategy for the coming years (2014-2017) supporting knowledge innovation as well. Additionally, inspiration was gained from other organisations that have KM policies in place (namely the KPMG and the British Council). Recommendations were also provided for KM performance indicators.

Evaluations Consultancy European 2014 ETF

Project code: B023

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