Feasibility study of the African Network for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge Transfer

Ockham IPS has implemented a feaibility study for the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) of the African Network for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge Transfer. As part of the initial phase of the AGRIT Network (envisaged for a period of 15 months), the DAAD needed to prepare a programme design that integrates the approaches and terms of the different donors. Furthermore, it needed to identify research topics with maximum overlaps of interest and high relevance for regional needs, as well as analyse the structural capacities of the single sites within the network that is crucial for conceptualising the initiative. Moreover, it needed to conceptualise and apply a digital component for the network (using the DIGI-FACE platform of the programme of Centres of technology of Africa). In addition, DAAD needed to establish a coordination unit and set up a scientific advisory board. Finally, the Results-oriented Monitoring concept, that was applied to the Centres of African Excellence programme, should be adopted as well. As a result, Ockham IPS implemented the following activities: (1) undertook a need analysis amongst the Centres of African Excellence, and assess the needs at local /regional level (task 1); (2) studied existing initiatives and potential synergies (task 2); (3) explored design features of the AGRIT project and programme support (task 3); and (4) identified stakeholders for the scientific board (task 4).

Studies Consultancy Global 2021 DAAD

Project code: B160

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